EDI CON Online
Title: Benchtop Troubleshooting Process for Radiated Immunity
Date: August 11, 2021
Time: 7:30am PT / 10:30am ET
Presented by: Kenneth Wyatt, Principal Consultant, Wyatt Technical Services LLC
Radiated immunity has started to become very common and is nearly impossible to set up in-house without great expense and trained test operators. Often it involves endless cycles back and forth between adding random fixes in-house and then running back to the compliance test lab. This delay can negatively affect product introductions. This presentation will describe a simple method for troubleshooting and mitigating immunity issues right on the lab bench. Often, the root cause is due to interconnecting cables acting as receive antennas and coupling RF energy into sensitive circuits. Two interesting case studies will also be described. he best one to use, based on receiver frequency. An interesting case study will also be described.
Presenter Bio:
Kenneth Wyatt is principal consultant of Wyatt Technical Services LLC, as well as past senior technical editor for Interference Technology Magazine (2016 to 2018). He is based in Colorado and has worked in the field of EMC engineering for over 30 years with a specialty in EMI troubleshooting and pre-compliance testing. He trains and speaks internationally, is widely published, and is the co-author of the popular EMI Troubleshooting Cookbook for Product Designers and newly-released and affordable three-volume set of books on benchtop EMC troubleshooting and pre-compliance testing. He may be contacted through his web site, http://www.emc-seminars.com.
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