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Emad Soubh

Emad Soubh holds 2 BS, one in Mechanical engineering and the second in Plastic engineering, and also received his MBA from WA. State University 1996. Emad has been in the field of high speed interconnects , specifically in the Test and Measurements Industry, for 27 years and holds 43 patents in that field. Emad currently is the Engineering Director of new product development at Carlisle Interconnect Technologies.


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Demystifying Edge Launch Connectors

A particularly challenging configuration is the edge launch, where connectors are used on the edge of the PCB with a transition to a microstrip trace. A poorly optimized connector footprint leads to degradation of the signal integrity performance, especially at high data rates. This paper identifies the root cause of the problem by showing how the electromagnetic fields behave at the transition area. Then it presents a design methodology, using simulated and measured data, that ensures the quality of high-speed data transmission.

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