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Sunumani Krishnan

Sunumani Krishnan is currently an Electrical Engineer at Diversey, Inc., working as part of the Robotics Electrical Engineering team. At Diversey, she develops fully autonomous cleaning robots. She has over 4 years of design experience in embedded systems and high speed PCBA design. She completed her MS in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Northridge, CA in 2011. She completed her B-Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Calicut University, India in 2002. She has over 5 years of experience as a lecturer at multiple universities including National Institute of Technology, Kozhikode, India.


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How Ground Bounce Can Ruin Your Day

Low-speed printed circuit board (PCB) designs now have to deal with high-speed switching problems. This article examines the ground bounce generated from an LCD assembly while evaluating the impact of the ground bounce on the system level EMI. Three solution strategies to mitigate the ground bounce are analyzed, the pros and cons of each strategy are provided along with the test results.

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