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Bench Top Methods for Troubleshooting ESD

Troubleshooting ESD is all about tracing the path of ESD current. In this installment of Practical EMC, Kenneth Wyatt illustrates how this can be done using the HP 457A current tracer probe, or a medium-sized H-field probe, and tracing the path using an oscilloscope. 

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How Interconnects Work: Bandwidth for Modeling and Measurements

Modeling and measurement of digital serial interconnects is usually done in the frequency domain. That means that the minimal and maximal frequencies (or bandwidth) should be defined even before the analysis or measurement begins. This post introduces a simple and practical way to identify the bandwidth with a numerical analysis of defects in a single bit (SBR) or single symbol response (SSR).

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Waveform Generation Using a Broadband Balun, Z-Matched Pick-Off Tee and Resistive Power Divider

This application note demonstrates use of HYPERLABS’ broadband coaxial components as general-purpose analog signal processing components for the generation of novel time-domain waveforms. The HL9474 6 dB resistive power divider and HL9462 Z-matched pick-off tee are demonstrated as lossy broadband summing networks. The HL9404 broadband balun is demonstrated as a pulse inverter and 180° signal splitter. The HL5567 PAM4 encoder is used to combine two pseudorandom binary or bit sequence (PRBS) patterns into PAM4 signaling. Utilizing the basic arithmetic functions of addition, inversion and subtraction, together with a time delay, a wide variety of novel broadband waveforms are generated. 

This application note builds on prior work reported in Picosecond Pulse Labs (PSPL) Application Note AN-20a[1]. In the referenced note, Jim Andrews, Ph.D. used PSPL pulse generators together with PSPL passive components to produce a variety of novel waveforms. A similar set of waveforms are demonstrated at higher bandwidths in this application note utilizing HYPERLABS’ industry leading broadband passive components.  

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Book Review: Signal Integrity in Practice by Don Telian

If you’ve just started on the path of designing high-speed serial links or have designed dozens of your own, Don Telian’s Signal Integrity in Practice is the book that will accelerate your engineering judgment and possibly save you from multiple design spins. Eric Bogatin takes a closer look at what he considers a must-have book for new and experienced engineers.


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Determining FPGA Dynamic Load Current

In this Extreme Measurement story, the goal was to determine the dynamic current of the FPGA by measuring the AC current in an external VRM using a transformation of the PCB S-parameters and the simultaneous measurement of the AC voltages across the PDN.

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