Blog Postings


Nine Essential Principles of Signal Integrity

SIJ technical editor Eric Bogatin notes that there are some problems that occur over and over again across product families and applications. They have a handful of essential principles at their underlying root cause. In this blog, he explains that if we really understand these underlying principles, the root cause of the problems will be more apparent and their solutions closer to implement.

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Millimeter Waves Technologies and Challenges for EMC & Wireless

The extension of operating frequencies in the mmWave region and beyond is the story of wireless development for the next thirty years. Understanding the resulting challenges and improving the state-of-the-art is a key driver for the EMC and wireless Industries. This article takes a look at some of the fundamentals of mmWave, including signal propagation, available spectrum, and challenges and issues facing EMC.

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Build Your Own Low-Cost Power Rail Probe

Probing signals with a bandwidth below 100 MHz and voltage sensitivity above 100 mV is a no-brainer. Regardless of the type of signal or the source impedance, the venerable 10x passive probe is the answer. However, at bandwidths >100 MHz and with voltage sensitivity <100 mV, the 10x passive probe may not be the best option. In this article, SIJ technical editor Eric Bogatin introduces an easy-to-implement, low-cost alternative to the 10x passive probe specifically for power-rail measurements.

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