Eric Bogatin, Signal Integrity Journal Technical Editor
Eric Bogatin, Signal Integrity Journal Technical Editor RSS FeedRSS

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Eric Bogatin is Technical Editor at Signal Integrity Journal and the Dean of the Teledyne LeCroy Signal Integrity Academy. Additionally, he is an Adjunct Professor at the University of Colorado - Boulder in the ECEE Dept. Eric improves the signal to noise ratio by sorting through all of the information available and finding the best quality content to publish on


How Bad are Swiss Cheese Planes?

Holey Swiss cheese offers a popular metaphor for describing planes with a high density of clearance holes, usually under a BGA escape. The concern of many designers is the impact on the inductance in the power and ground planes due to all those holes. Since the gaps between them is narrow, won’t they constrict the current, dramatically increasing the series resistance and the loop inductance of the planes?

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2nd time

Get it Right the Second Time

We all strive to, “Get it right the first time,” in our designs, and focus on skills, techniques and tools to help us achieve this. But we should also pay attention to the skills, techniques and tools to “Get it right the second time.” This is a phrase Dave Graef, CTO and General Manager of Teledyne LeCroy likes to use.

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My Visit to the EMI Test Lab - Part of the Fun of Science

Last week, I had the chance to visit with Dennis King at his EMI Test Lab in Longmont, Colorado. While Dennis has been doing EMI testing for more than 30 years, he set up his independent test lab in 2004. With a GTEM and 3-m anechoic chamber, plus stations for ESD and susceptibility testing, he routinely performs testing for CE Mark and FCC emissions and immunity requirements.

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DesignCon 2017: A Cornucopia of Information

DesignCon is like drinking from a firehose. No where will you find a higher density of SI/PI/EMI experts, all in one place. This year, there are over 100 technical presentations, spread over 14 parallel tracks in seven sessions over two days, plus events in the Chiphead Theater, five panel discussions, eight education tutorials by Keysight and three keynote speeches.

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Pop Quiz: When is an Interconnect Not a Transmission Line?

Hint: nudge, nudge, wink, wink, trick question

The Spring semester is starting at the University of Colorado, Boulder and the next batch of graduate students are taking my signal integrity course. To encourage students to be on time, I use a carrot and a stick. The carrot is a joke of the day and the stick is a pop quiz that happens as soon as class starts.

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Six Cool Things I Saw at EDI CON 2016

If you missed the chance to attend the first EDI CON (Electronic Design Innovation Conference) in Boston last Aug, you missed the first conference to bring together industry participants across the spectrum of rf, microwave, wireless and high speed digital applications of signal integrity, power integrity and EMI. Rarely are these divergent, yet related fields addressed under one roof.

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