TiePie engeineering

Company Profile

TiePie engineering is a Dutch company developing and selling computer controlled measuring instruments, such as LAN, WiFi and USB oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, data loggers, multimeters and arbitrary waveform function generators. The head office is located in Sneek, in the north of The Netherlands. The TiePie products offer innovative and unique features such as real time SureConnect connection testing, SafeGround protection and combining multiple instruments using TiePie’s sophisticated CMI bus and revolutionay WCMI modules. TiePie’s compact oscilloscopes, function generators and other data acquisition products are being used worldwide in many markets, including industrial process automation, automotive test and measurement, service departments, medical applications, research centers and educational institutes.

Contact Information:

Contact: Erik Tigchelaar
Title: engineer
Phone: +31 0515 415 416


TiePie engeineering
Koperslagersstraat 37
Sneek 8601 WL