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Julia Van Burger

Julia Van Burger has been an SI/PI Co-op at Samtec for the past 6 months, as well as a fifth year student at Northeastern University. She is currently pursuing her undergraduate and master's degrees in electrical engineering, expected to graduate in 2024. She has a strong coding background and has transitioned her focus to power systems.


DesignCon Paper Summary Samtec 10-18-24.jpg

Impact of Finite Interconnect Impedance Including Spatial and Domain Comparison of PDN Characterization

DesignCon 2024 Best Paper Award Winner

Awarded the Best Paper Award at DesignCon 2024, this paper demonstrates that, for correlated data with PDN impedances in the sub-mΩ level, the impedance extracted from same-location top-bottom measurement can be significantly different from same-side adjacent via pair measurement, even if the physical separation is in the order of a mm

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