Richard Barrie

Richard Barrie

Richard Barrie received his B.A.Sc. degree in robotics engineering from the University of Toronto in 2022. He is currently a M.A.Sc. candidate in the University of Toronto’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research interests are in system modeling and design for high-speed communications.


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Statistical BER Analysis of Concatenated FEC in Multi-Part Links

DesignCon 2023 Best Paper Award Winner

This paper proposes a model that can serve as a tool for evaluating FEC choices in 200+ Gb/s applications. It allows the comparison of the effect of different inner/outer codes and inner-FEC interleaving schemes on post-FEC BER. It can also be used as a tool for system-level transceiver design, allowing designers to see the impact of design choices on the post-FEC BER efficiently.

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